Airplane Accident/Plane Crash Lawsuits
Supporting You In Your Family’s Time Of Need
Airplane accidents are usually catastrophic for passengers and crew, their families, and anyone located near the plane’s crash site. When tragedy strikes your family, it can be even more devastating to face the financial burden of your loved one’s severe injuries or death. You may be considering a lawsuit or waiting on a settlement offer from an ongoing plane crash lawsuit. If so, you probably have an idea of the time and money it takes to resolve the complex legal issues surrounding your case.
At Lawsuit Financial, we understand the challenges you’ll face throughout the long legal process. Airplane accidents are usually caused by some combination of pilot error, other human error, mechanical failure, or bad weather, but the FAA—the main investigating authority in plane crash cases—may need months to pinpoint the exact cause. To a family in need of financial help, the investigations seem endless. We’re here to help support your financial needs while you wait for your lawsuit to run its course.
Lawsuit Financial has been funding cases like these for several years. You can count on us for financial assistance while you await case results. We’ll give you a “plane crash cash advance” with zero risk, because if you recover nothing in your lawsuit, you won’t owe us anything in return. Contact us online, fill out the application on this page, or call 1-877-377-SUIT (7848) to discuss your lawsuit financing options, free of charge.